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1984.9-1988.6: 威廉希尔中文官方网站大学,农学专业,农学学士;

1988.9 1991.6:威廉希尔中文官方网站大学,作物遗传育种专业,农学硕士;

2002.9- 2005.6:威廉希尔中文官方网站大学,作物遗传育种专业,农学博士;

2005.1-至今:威廉希尔中文官方网站 教授,博士生导师。





1.本人名字(第几完成人).高粱与约翰孙草杂交及杂种优势利用, 河北省人民政府, 河北省科学技术进步奖, 三等, 2006

2. 葡萄多倍体及新品种选育,河北省人民政府, 河北省科学技术进步奖, 三等,2015.




1. 高粱抗蚜虫基因的RMES1克隆及应用(ZL 2017 1 1379832.9)2021。完成人:王道文,董振营,常金华


1. 葡萄,巨玫国家林业局,国S-SV-VV-023-2015。

2. 高粱,冀早糯1号,冀米粮,农大红1号、3号、4号等


1. Genzeng Ren, Puyuan Yang, Jianghui Cui, Yukun Gao, Congpei Yin, Yuzhe BaiDongting Zhao and Jinhua Chang. Multiomics Analyses of Two Sorghum Cultivars Reveal the Molecular Mechanism of Salt Tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022.13:886805.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.886805.

2. Gao Yukun, Cui Jianghui, Ren Genzeng, Wei Shilin, Yang Puyuan, Yin Congpei, Liang Hongkai and Chang Jinhua. Changes in the root-associated bacteria of sorghum are driven by the combined effects of salt and sorghum development. Environmental Microbiome 2021. 16:14. doi.org/10.1186/s40793-021-00383-0

3. Jianghui Cui Genzeng Ren Haiyu Qiao Xiaodong XiangLisha Huang Jinhua Chang. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Seedling Stage of Two Sorghum Cultivars Under Salt Stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2018. DOI 10.1007/s00344-018-9796-9/

4. Faming Wang, Songmin Zhao, Yonghua Han, Yutao Shao, Zhenying Dong,Yang Gao, Kunpu Zhang, Xin Liu, Dawei Li, Jinhua Chang, Daowen Wang.Efcient and ne mapping of RMES1 conferring resistance to sorghum aphid Melanaphis sacchariMol BreedingMol Breeding 2013. 31:777-784.

5. Jinhua Chang, Xifei Duan, Jianghui Cui,Wei Xue, Qingwen Zhang. Differential Molecular Responses of Aphid-sensitive and Aphid-resistant Sorghum Lines to Aphid InfestationArthropod-Plant Interactions201161113-120.

6. CHANG Jin-hua, CUI Jiang-hui, XUE Wei and ZHANG Qing-wen. Identification of Molecular Markers for a Aphid Resistance Gene and Selective Efficiency Estimation in Sorghum Journal of Integrative Agriculture .2012. 117):1086-1092.

